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Richard Moseley Congratulations Rich! We would like to congratulate our very own Richard Moseley on 9 glorious years at BAM! Richard joined the company back in 2005 and has had a firm hand in developing BAM, building us into the company we are today. We are delighted to celebrate this milestone in his career at BAM! We thought the best way to say thank you to Rich for all his hard work over the past years would be to A) buy him some cheese (his favourite treat!) and B) to let his colleagues share some of their anecdotes about working with Rich! Tim Bodenham, Managing Director -Richard started his employment with BAM by answering a Jobcentre posting for a web developer vacancy. Over the years, he has provided exemplary service, working his way through management to his current position as one of the directors of the BAM Group. Richard's loyalty and commitment to BAM is highly regarded amongst the team, and I personally feel honoured knowing him as a colleague and a friend. Kirsty Pritchard, PA - Rich is the backbone of the company, I do not know where we would be without him. He never fails to make me laugh everyday and surprise me with his amazing vocal range! Vicky Daruvalla, Director - Cheese, planes and Lego are 3 words to sum up Rich. He has always been a workaholic and will do what he can to help you. He's just an all round great guy and BAM wouldn't be the place it is without Richie! Jake Price, Web Developer - Rich is one of the nicest people I have ever met, and is such a special manager. Not only is he amazingly gifted in his field of expertise, but he is one of those annoying clever people who can turn their hand to just about anything and be awesome at it. I have learnt so much not only in a professional capacity from Rich, but personally as well. I can easily say I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't spent the last 4 years in his team. Thank you for all your hard work Rich, heres to 9 more years! The BAM Team
Viewed by: 43 visitors. Uploaded: 9 years ago
Published in: Gloucestershire area.
Published from: October 15, 2014.
Region: South West
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